Here is our fourth episode of Highbrow! Lowbrow? a bi-weekly podcast looking at the top box office earner and the Best Picture Academy Award Winner of the same year. This episode we watched the films of 2007, with No Country For Old Men representing the highbrow and Spiderman 3 representing the lowbrow.

No Country For Old Men, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, is a tale about Llewelyn (Josh Brolin) a man on the run from the villainous Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) after taking loot from a bloody shootout. Tommy Lee Jones plays Sheriff Bell, looking for answers in an increasingly violent world. This movie continues the trend of excellent Coen Brother offerings, chock full of relatable characters and an engaging story. Some may even call this a perfect movie with nary a weak moment. Even the slower portions of the film serve as a welcome respite from the brutal goings on.

Spiderman 3, directed by Sam Raimi, is the third installment of the Spiderman series. Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) has to confront villains galore, from Green Goblin (James Franco) to Sandman (Thomas Haden-Church) to Venom (Topher Grace), all the while dealing with his own dark side and the whims of his lady-friend Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst). Like all the other Spiderman films, this one is filled with intense action, an uplifting score and vibrant special effects. However, the cast and crew show a little wear and tear, at times looking as if they are just going through motions.
How did these two movies compare to each other? Was the excitement and fun of Spiderman 3 enough to stand up to the pitch-perfect tone of No Country For Old Men? Check out the latest episode of Highbrow! Lowbrow? to see.
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