Friday, August 22, 2014

Episode 81: August 7th, 2014

Hi and welcome to another episode of Highbrow! Lowbrow? Every two weeks or so, Jesse and Shaun get together to discuss the Best Picture Academy Award Winner and top box office earner of the same year to see who was right: the critics or the masses. For this episode, we take a look at two films from the year 1977, the only comedy to win the Best Picture Oscar, Annie Hall (Highbrow), and the start of the space saga trilogy, Star Wars (Lowbrow). Be sure to tune in and listen to the latest Highbrow! Lowbrow?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Episode 80: June 24th, 2014

Hello and welcome to another episode of Highbrow! Lowbrow? Every two weeks or so, Jesse and Shaun get together to discuss the Best Picture Academy Award Winner and top box office earner of the same year to see who was right: the critics or the masses. For our 80th episode (as we count down to the finale of the podcast), we take a look at one film from 1944 that won both titles, Going My Way (Highbrow and Lowbrow). What did Jesse and Shaun think of this Bing Crosby classic? Tune in to the latest episode of Highbrow! Lowbrow? to find out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Episode 79: July 11th, 2014

Welcome to another episode of Highbrow! Lowbrow? Every two weeks or so, Jesse and Shaun get together to discuss the Best Picture Academy Award Winner and top box office earner of the same year to see who was right: the critics or the masses. As we come to a close on the podcast, we take a look at two films from the year 1966; A Man For All Seasons (Highbrow) and Hawaii (Lowbrow). Check us out and give it a listen to see which one of these two religiously themed films we liked more on the latest Highbrow! Lowbrow?