This is a slow-burner, but patient viewers will be rewarded. "I've Love You So Long" strikes a fine balance between the sombre tone necessitated by the subject matter and refreshing, unexpected moments of joy. Kristin Scott Thomas' performance is a heavy weight for viewers to bear, but viewers should commit to sharing her journey. At the end you will likely conclude that the painstaking construction of her lead character is a nuanced success.
Written 5/14/09

Nothing feels forced. I had misgivings about this film, based on press clippings I'd read and Anne Hathaway's huge head screaming from the poster, "give me an award, already - I'm playing 'tormented'". But I was surprised, nay, shocked at the sincerity and genuine tenderness I encountered. All the casting is perfect. Bill Irwin is particularly wonderful as a doting, challenged father. The expressions of love portrayed by Rachel and her beau encourages me to love and give more in my life. Live music is brilliantly interlaced through almost the entirety of the film. Yes, the camerawork is jarring. It's an intentional technique! If hand-held camera footage is a turn-off to you, then do stay away. But you will be missing a warm, though sometimes brutally stark, portrait of an American family.
Written 4/30/09